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MK Ultra

The MK Ultra program was created by the US Army in the aftermath of World War II to discover and test products that would help them interrogate enemy soldiers. The program used a host of unconventional methods to accomplish this goal. Many of these experiments were not remotely ethical and they led to many abuses, including some that resulted in serious physical injuries to innocent people. The name stems from the fact that it was a top secret program at first, with only a few people aware of its existence. It operated in different parts of the world for more than two decades, but most of these activities took place at six different laboratories across the country. Some other places operated their own versions as well. Because it never stopped operating after its official closure in 1973, its legacy is still felt to this day. This article covers everything you need to know about MK Ultra . We’ve included some information about what MK Ultra is as well as a description of what happened when the program ended, including why it did so and how far those responsible for it went to conceal its activities from everyone else. Let’s take a look…

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