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Cure Depression with a Psychedelic Toad

Use of psychedelics in mental health treatments is gaining momentum. Top medical research facilities like John Hopkins University and Imperial College London are studying the benefits of psychedelics.

MDMA, psilocybin and LSD are the most researched psychedelics so far. But a new entry could make a world of difference. It is exotic and potent. This new powerful psychedelic is the venom secreted by the Sonoran Desert toad.

How useful is the Toad?

Beckley Psytech, a tech startup based in Oxford, has raised $80 million to research the benefits of the Sonoran Desert toad’s venom. According to the company’s chief executive, Cosmo Fielding Mellen, the psychedelic venom is important for two reasons:

1. It’s Highly Potent

The venom is strong and can cause noticeable changes in mood and perception. Its potency was popular even in ancient times as shown by the toad’s depiction in old Mesoamerican art.

2. It has a Short Psychedelic Span

An LSD trip can last for 12 hours, while the hallucinatory effects of psilocybin take up to 5 hours to wear off. A single dose of Sonoran Desert toad’s venom lasts for only an hour. This makes it ideal for a therapy session as the patients can resume normal functioning after the sitting. Also, the venom causes less severe visual hallucinations. This can enable the patients to focus better during the therapy.

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