When you take a psychedelic, you’re going to feel some things that might seem dangerous or strange. But most of them are actually things to avoid so you don’t negatively impact your experience. Here are seven things that are probably not okay to do while on psychedelics. If you end up doing any of these things, it could negatively impact your trip and leave you feeling anxious or even scared of the substances involved later.
Don’t drive while high
Driving while high is a bad idea for a few reasons. First, alcohol can make you more susceptible to the effects of psychedelics, which you don’t want to happen while you’re operating a vehicle. Second, if you have an accident while under the influence of psychedelics, you could be at risk for a longer legal process and a criminal record. If you have to drive while tripping, make sure you have a trusted driver who can drop you off and pick you up later. Trust us, you don’t want to risk losing your license, your job, or your freedom by driving while high.
Don’t take any work or academic exams
The same goes for your schoolwork or your job. If you’re taking a test or an exam while on psychedelics, you could end up doing so poorly that it negatively impacts your future. It’s a good idea to avoid exams and work while high if you can. You don’t want to risk hurting your future, your relationships with your professors or co-workers, or your reputation.
Don’t make major life decisions while on psychedelics
This is one that a lot of people mess up while on psychedelics. If you have a big decision to make while on psychedelics, let your trip guide you to the right decision. Don’t try and make any major decisions while high. It could end up in disaster. If you have to make any major decisions while on psychedelics, we recommend putting them off until you’re not high. Let your choices be guided by the experience, and not by logic.
Stay away from parties
Parties are places you go to meet new people, expand your social circle, and make new friends. This can all be great, but they can also be dangerous while on psychedelics. Parties can often be full of people you don’t know who might be under the influence of other drugs. Parties are also often loud and full of distractions. You don’t want to put yourself in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation if you can help it.
Don’t go out alone at night
Parties are often fun and exciting, but they can also be dangerous and confusing while on psychedelics. Parties often take place at night, which can be confusing or dangerous. There might be a lot of people around who don’t know you, and you don’t know them. They might be under the influence of other substances, and they might become aggressive if you’re too hyper or out of your comfort zone. Parties are a great way to meet new people, but you don’t want to put yourself at risk while doing so.
Avoid drugs you don’t know or trust
One of the worst things you can do while on psychedelics is to try and navigate through a bunch of unknown drugs. If you’re at a party or on a festival line-up and someone gives you a strange-tasting substance to try, don’t do it. You don’t know what it is or how safe it is. The same goes for drugs you don’t know or trust. If there’s a new drug you want to try, but you don’t want to risk it negatively impacting your trip, we recommend avoiding it. Trust us, you don’t want to go down that road.
We hope that this guide has helped you better understand what to do and what not to do while on psychedelics. Now you know what to avoid, you can have an amazing time while on psychedelics. Just make sure to avoid these seven things to avoid while on psychedelics.