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Music to listen to while on psychedelics

Another important component of your experience is the music you listen to. Nothing can completely set the tone for an experience like great music. Music not only gives you goosebumps and makes you feel alive, but it can also bring out feelings and emotions that you wouldn’t have otherwise experienced. Listening to music while on psychedelics allows you to detach from reality and enter a new world - a fantastic world at that. There are so many varieties of psychedelic music: From folksy, acoustic guitar beats to euphoric synth-laden dance tracks and anything in between. Try listening to different genres so as not to get bored with any one genre. Here are songs we recommend listening to while on psychedelics…

Dr. Who:

Dr. Who is the definition of a soundtrack to a powerful psychedelic experience. With a calm, serene feel to it, this song makes you feel like you’re in a completely different world. It’s completely nostalgic and transports you to a time when life was simpler and meant more. This song reminds you that you’re alive and that there is so much more to experience in this world.


A psychedelic experience is quite possibly the best way to wake up your senses. Classical music is an auditory masterpiece that will make you feel so many emotions. It’s so beautiful that you’ll forget you’re tripping. These songs are best listened to via headphones. The sound is so clean and crisp that it takes you out of the experience and makes you feel so much emotion. When listening to classical music, you’re taken out of the experience and you’re reminded that you’re alive.


Psychedelic music can transport you to a completely new world. During your experience, the music allows you to detach from reality and enter a new world. You’re reminded that you’re alive and that there is so much more to experience in this world. The music allows you to enter a completely new, energetic, and powerful world that will make you feel so many emotions.


A lot of people might be surprised to see dubstep on this list, but trust us, it does wonders on psychedelics. These are the weird, glitchy tones that distort your brain and allow you to enter a completely new reality. You’re reminded that you’re alive and that there is so much more to experience in this world.

Electronic Dance Music (EDM):

A great way to enter a completely new reality while on psychedelics is to listen to electronic dance music. You’re reminded that you’re alive and that there is so much more to experience in this world. Be sure to pick a song with a powerful beat that allows you to enter a different reality. These songs are best listened to via headphones so that the sound is so clean and crisp that it takes you out of the experience and makes you feel so much emotion.

Indie Rock:

Psychedelic music can transport you to a completely new world. During your experience, the music allows you to detach from reality and enter a new world. You’re reminded that you’re alive and that there is so much more to experience in this world. The music allows you to enter a completely new, energetic, and powerful world that will make you feel so many emotions. When listening to indie rock, you’re taken out of the experience and you’re reminded that you’re alive.

Shout out to the Disco Bands!

Although they’re not exactly psychedelic, we had to throw them in here. Disco music has a completely different vibe than almost any other genre. It’s mostly upbeat and energetic, which is perfect for dancing. There are many different types of psychedelic music, but we believe that nothing quite compares to the upbeat sounds of disco. You can listen to any genre, but we recommend sticking to nu-disco, or songs that have a more classic disco sound.


At the end of the day, it’s all about exploring your mind and finding out what really does it for you. Obviously, the type of drugs you take and how you take them is going to have a huge impact on the types of experiences you have. Psychedelics are great for taking you outside of your comfort zone and helping you break out of your shell. Try listening to different genres of music so as not to get bored with any one genre. Remember, music isn’t just a way to escape reality; it can be a way to better experience it! As we mentioned before, music isn’t just going to be a distraction while on psychedelics. It can be used to help enhance your experience and create a completely new reality. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to be yourself and explore your mind. You never know what you’ll find!

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