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Innovation resulting from psychedelics

Psychedelics have been used for thousands of years to help people understand themselves and the world around them. Psychedelics can facilitate breakthroughs in perception, cognition, understanding, and emotional response. One of the first recorded accounts of a psychedelic substance dates back to Ancient India where it was referred to as ‘जय्याँ kaaryna’ meaning ‘that which makes you see something that is not there’ or ‘कैसे kase’ meaning ‘to drive or go mad’. The word ‘trip’ was coined by Humphry Osmond in the 1950s after he had his first experience with a different type of psychedelic called Mescaline when he was working at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in London. There is an increasing amount of research into psychedelics being used to treat psychological conditions like depression and anxiety as well as physical ailments like addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many companies are developing psychedelics specifically for these uses.

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