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How to work in the field of psychedelics

What do you do when the most interesting job in your field just opened up? Do you become the next Dr. Google and search for every opportunity that comes your way? Or do you wait around until the right opportunity arises again? Working in a field that’s still not very well understood by society can be challenging at times. But, working on psychedelics can be especially difficult. Why? Because we need to deal with stigma, grow as independent professionals, and learn from our setbacks so that we’re prepared for the next time we apply for a job or an internship. Working as a psychedelic therapist is probably one of the least stressful jobs in your field. It’s also a great stepping stone if you want to explore other opportunities within this field because psychedelics offer more flexibility than some positions within this field do. So what are you waiting for? Here are some practical insights into what it means to work as a psychedelic therapist.

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