For most cannabis users, consuming the psychedelic results in an euphoric high. However, for certain users, the feeling of being high can turn into an anxiety-riddled rollercoaster. Cannabis-induced anxiety can feel quite overwhelming, even though it isn’t likely to last long. However, the good thing about it is that it can be managed more easily than anxiety induced by stronger psychedelics like LSD.
Here’s how:
Eat something before consuming cannabis
If you smoke cannabis or consume edibles on an empty stomach, you’re likely to experience an overwhelming high. Ideally, you should eat something before you consume cannabis. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown meal – something light would work just fine.
Don’t consume a lot of cannabis at one go
If you’re smoking cannabis, take it slow. Give it a break after every three – four puffs. Assess how you’re feeling after those puffs for a few minutes. You can smoke some more if the effects are minimal. Also, it’s best to avoid smoking apparatus like bongs, which involve consuming a lot of cannabis in one hit.
Steer clear of edibles if you’re new to cannabis
Cannabis edibles can have really intense effects, and trickiest thing about them is that they take around an hour to have any effect. If you’ve never consumed cannabis before, stick to smoking and steer clear of those potent edibles.
Concentrate on your breath
Even if you do experience an anxiety attack after taking the previously-mentioned steps, you can still manage the symptoms of anxiety. Find somewhere quiet and focus on your breath. Breathing deep has a calming effect on the nerves, and it will keep your anxiety levels from skyrocketing.