If you're looking to have a good time while under the influence of psychedelics, here are some tips to follow.
1. Choose your drug wisely.
Before anything, make sure you know the risks involved with each type of drug before using them. Some may be more harmful than others, so it's important to do your research first.
2. Let go.
Psychedelics can be incredibly powerful tools for self-exploration and personal growth, but they're not easy to use. If you're not prepared for the experience, it can be overwhelming and even dangerous.
3. Make sure you're in a safe place.
Just like with any other kind of drug, it's important to stay safe while under the influence of psychedelics – especially if you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Don't take any risks – stick to known safe havens if possible.
4. Take it easy.
Psychedelics are powerful tools, but they're not meant to be abused. Use them with caution and respect, and don't overdo it. If you feel like you're starting to lose control, stop using the drug and take a break.
5. Be patient.
Psychedelics can take a while to kick in, so be patient and allow yourself enough time to adjust. Don't rush the process or you may end up feeling disappointed or frustrated with the experience.