Cannabis retail is booming across North America, and there’s never been a better time to work in the industry. Budtenders play a key role at cannabis shops. They are responsible for helping customers make informed purchasing decisions, as well as stocking shelves, cash registers, and other sales points with the appropriate items. The right candidate will know the ins-and-outs of quality control, be comfortable working with various products and vintages of cannabis, and most importantly have great customer service skills! This article covers everything you need to know as a prospective bud tender job hunter. Whether you’re just getting started or wondering if there are more jobs than positions available, read on for tips on landing your first gig.
Understand the basics of bud tender job requirements
When looking for a budtender job, it’s important to understand what the employer is looking for in a candidate. The job requirements will vary depending on the shop and the location, but there are some common requirements. - Experience and qualifications - Before you apply for any cannabis budtender gig, it’s a good idea to understand the jobs and requirements in your area. Online cannabis job listings are often vague, so it’s best to find out what jobs are available and where. - Education - While some budtender jobs do not require a formal education, many do. This can vary depending on the state. When looking for a budtender job, be sure to find one that is right for you and your experience level.
How to get started as a bud tender
If you’re interested in starting a bud tender job, you’ll first need to decide where to apply. This can be a bit tricky, since most cannabis retailers don’t disclose where they hire. You’ll likely only find out about opportunities at cannabis shops if you ask around or look online. If you do find out about a budtender job opportunity, you’ll first want to research the cannabis shop to get as much information as possible about the business model, products sold, etc. You’ll also want to find out how many jobs are available at the shop, and if the owners are hiring. When you are prepared, you can then submit your application. While some shops will accept applications from anyone, it’s best to submit applications to shops that are hiring or that let you know you are welcome to apply.
What is required to be a cannabis bud tender?
Some budtender jobs require specific experience and training, while other jobs allow for an informal approach. The best budtender jobs will let you show off your personality and communication skills while also having some experience. The most common requirements for budtender jobs are: - Experience - While many budtender jobs do not require experience, it’s best to submit an application that shows experience in the industry. - Communication - Many budtender jobs focus on communication skills. It’s important to be able to communicate effectively with customers. - Skilled at cannabis product knowledge - Having experience with cannabis products and knowing how to describe and sell them is important for many budtender jobs.
What you’ll learn as a bud tender
Learning any job takes time and self-education. It’s important to be passionate about the industry, because it’ll help you learn more and excel in your bud tender job. There are numerous online resources and short courses on topics related to budtender jobs. It’s also important to build relationships with other budtenders to learn what works and what doesn’t.
Getting the right certification
Many of the cannabis budtender jobs require certification. Some states don’t require certification for budtender jobs, but most do. If certification is required, you’ll want to make sure it’s the right one for you. The most common certification for budtender jobs is the CMT (Certified Medical Marijuana Trained). Other certifications you may want to consider include: - CSC (Certified Sales Consultant): This certification is for retail salespeople and focuses on product knowledge. It’s offered by the Institute for Sales Success. - CPA (Certified Professional Budtender): This certification is for those with an accounting background. It’s offered by the National Organization for Budtender Certification. - CCB (Certified Cannabis Brand Ambassador): This certification is for those in the advertising and marketing. It’s offered by the Cannabis Career Network. - CIP (Certified Industry Professional): This certification is for those in the medical marijuana industry. It’s offered by the Institute for Cannabis Training.
Bottom line
Working in the cannabis industry is a great opportunity for those looking for a job in a field where growth is expected. There are many opportunities to work in budtender jobs at cannabis retailers, as well as head shops and other industries. However, it’s important to understand what the job requirements are and find the right ones for you.