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hiking on psychedelics

Imagine that you have a free day and you don’t know where to go or what to do. You are at the end of your rope and ready for anything. Suddenly, an idea hits you like a bolt from the blue: You should go on a long, solo hike in the wilderness so that you have time to clear your mind and connect with nature. What better way is there to take care of yourself than by getting in touch with your inner self? You Google “hiking on psychedelics,” find a nearby forest, and off you go. With that plan in mind, you pack some food and water, wear comfortable clothing so that you won’t get overheated or dehydrated during your excursion, put on hiking boots or sneakers so that you can walk over rough terrain without injuring yourself, collect toilet paper along the way just in case things get uncomfortable...and off you go into uncharted territory. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

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