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Fantasia film and psychedelics

Fantasia for Children is a fantasy movie released in 1940 by Walt Disney Pictures. It was the final film of The Hall of Heroes, a trilogy produced by Walt Disney that consisted of films about classical Greek and Roman mythology and the final installment, Thru the Eyes of Time, is about Eastern philosophy. Of all three films, Fantasia for Children is the only one that does not have any direct connection with its predecessors. It’s also one of the few non-Disney animated films to be released in 3D cinema. Fantasia is most notable for being one of few films that combine music with psychedelic visuals. The “psychedelic” part refers to distorted imagery and sounds that are reminiscent to hallucinations experienced under the influence of certain drugs such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms (psilocybe). Although this particular aspect was not common at the time Fantasia was made, it can still be seen as an inspiring step in animation history even if it isn’t treated as such by many people today.

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