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Cannabis and social anxiety

Cannabis can be a great remedy for social anxiety and may help some individuals to ease their fears. There is limited research on how cannabis affects people with social anxiety, but it does seem to help some people. Cannabinoids in the endocannabinoid system play an important role in regulating many functions of the brain, including emotion, cognition, attention, motor coordination and stress responses. When someone experiences intense anxiety or feels threatened, the neurotransmitters have a hard time communicating effectively between different areas of the brain so they release much less GABA than usual which leads to hyper-responsiveness. Cannabis has been shown to reduce stress by triggering the release of cannabinoids and other neurotransmitchers such as serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, this herb seems to have a positive impact on one’s ability to handle stressors when they are under normal circumstances. However, before using cannabis or any other drug with the aim of reducing your social anxiety you should prepare yourself mentally first and understand that it is not always going to work in the way you hope it would. This is why you need to learn about your own limitations first and find out whether or not you truly have social anxiety before giving up on everything else that you try out too.

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